Benefits of the Essentrics Workout
Health &
Increases full-body flexibility
Helps relieve pain & supports injury prevention
Strengthens the spine & core
Helps to treat & prevent back pain
Improves agility and speed for sports
Creates a youthful & energized feeling body
Brightens and tightens skin by improving circulation and flushing toxins
Helps speed up recovery time through increased blood flow
Relieves aches and pains and helps reverse chronic conditions
Wards off extra weight from a naturally slowing metabolism
Forges new neurological connections and strengthens connections within the brain
Lubricates tight fascia and connective tissue
Targets both small and large joints
Increases bone density and helps with osteoporosis
Improves balance and mobility
Defines the waist
Creates toned, lean and strong arms
Slenderizes thighs and quads
Creates flat, defined abs
Improves posture
Lifts the butt
Strengthens and tones the full muscular structure
Unlocks tight muscles & joints for increased range of motion

The Method
Essentrics is a unique combination of movements drawn from:
The flowing movements of tai chi which create health and balance
The strengthening theories behind ballet which create long, lean, flexible muscles
the healing principles of physiotherapy which create a pain-free body.
Essentrics Routines Can Be Tailored For:
While our favorite activities and sports may provide amazing benefits to our health, they can also create imbalances in the body because they often only engage a small number of large muscles. Essentrics will engage all 650 muscles which will help to rebalance your body, protect you from injury, and improve your form – ultimately enhancing your performance in any sports discipline. Essentrics also provides dynamic stretching which will improve your flexibility and your range of motion. It’s the perfect addition to your athletic regiment as a daily warm-up and cool-down or as a recovery-day deep stretch and rebalance practice.

Aging Backwards
Essentrics is on a mission to establish a new definition of what it is to be fit at every age and at every stage of your life, with a special focus on age prevention and reversal through movement. The no-impact Essentrics practice will help you regain lost flexibility as well as range of motion through all your joints. It will relieve aches and pains as well as dramatically improve your posture by gently strengthening and stretching all of your muscles. If you are just getting back into a fitness routine, you’ve come to the right place! Start in a slow and relaxed way and you will notice your movements will become deeper and more dynamic as you continue with your practice. Try Essentrics today and keep your body feeling young, strong, healthy and pain-free, regardless of your age.
Pre & Post Natal
Essentrics is gentle enough to practice throughout your pregnancy and postpartum.* During pregnancy, the no-impact, dynamic movements, help with strength and balance as your body changes and grows. It also provides a way to connect with your baby through combining gentle movement, mindfulness, and music. After your baby arrives, Essentrics will help to rebalance your body as you heal. It also will gently build up your strength and flexibility to help you meet the new day-to-day challenges of being a parent.
*Consult with your physician before beginning a pre or postpartum fitness plan
Many of our jobs compromise our posture and limit our movement for long portions of the day. Physically demanding jobs may have us on our feet for hours at a time or lifting heavy objects. All of these have consequences for your physical wellbeing. Essentrics can help to rapidly reverse the negative effects of the day-to-day grind. It is approachable for anyone at any age and any fitness level. Essentrics gets you moving dynamically while engaging and stretching every muscle and gently increasing the range of motion of every joint.

Essentrics Origins:
Over  twenty  years ago,  former professional ballet dancer  Miranda  Esmonde-White created the  Essentrics  technique—a dynamic  stretch workout  for all fitness levels  designed  to engage  all  650 muscles and 360 joints.  It  became a go-to  program  for  athletes  to enhance their  performance, and later  developed  into  the  highly acclaimed  20-year running  fitness television  show, Classical  Stretch®, for the PBS  network. Now it is practiced by a wide array of people of different ages and fitness levels worldwide.
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